

The original idea behind Curae Home came from my background in organic agriculture and farming in the Pacific Northwest. Put simply, I had an expensive pair of work boots that got ruined because I didn't know how to take care of them. I did my research about proper leather care and found out that I was really dissatisfied with what was on the market; mystery ingredients, chemical smells, harsh on my hands while applying it, etc. I started playing around with different formulas and making my own leather conditioner in 2014 and I've been using my own ever since.

Once I started it quickly became clear that it wasn’t just about leather conditioner. What started with me not finding what I was looking for turned into a vision of how I could teach and support traditions that uphold the home and our lives that unfold in it. We take pride in what we choose to fill our homes with. Our belongings reflect a piece of who we are. There is intention behind our choice of each cutting board, curtain, and vase. I wanted to create a culture of making the important and beautiful items in our homes last longer and get better with age.

Adding postpartum and floral work didn’t come until 2023 after our son was born. Weaving together my desire to work with women in my community, help to support my growing family financially, and be a stay-at-home mom didn’t feel possible until I took the plunge and just did it.

-Amber McConnon
Founder & Owner
Curae Home